Keep the Faith…

Published by lopinon on

Bob Dylan sings, “The tiiiiiiimes they are a chaaaaangin’. That’s always been true and always will be. Sometimes, we can see the changes coming, and sometimes, they arrive like the front end of a locomotive! Still, when we have a Foundation…a firm one, even in times of cataclysmic size, we will be fine. Even thrive. No, I’m not being glib…Even Thrive.

People find their strength in lots of ways…mine has always come from the Bible and my Faith.

Fear is the opposite of Faith.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with You; my peace I give You. I do not give to You as the world gives. Do not let Your hearts be troubled. Do not be afraid.

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded You? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord Your God will be with You wherever You go.

Isaiah 43:1 But now, this is what the Lord says- he created You, Jacob,(insert your name) he who formed You, Israel (insert your country):”Do not fear, for I have redeemed You; I have summoned You by name; You are mine.

Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and he answered Me; he delivered Me from all My fears.

Well, surely Laura, you mean this works for people who really haven’t had tough things happen in their life, right? Nope. I’ll match Your trials with mine. It’s not just a recipe for people that have had Cinderella lives because guess what…no one has.

If these words sound more to You like poetry or prose, I promise You, that they can be more than that. They can be real and necessary food for Your heart.

Seek. Find. It’s a promise!

(By the way, I counted the word You(me) 15times in those 4 verses. Seems like You’re on His mind!

For My Nourishment!

Comedic Nourishment.

During these days at home, I have turned into a silly Grandmother, Aunt, Mother, Sister, Wife. I’m determined to laugh and I don’t mind being eye rolled at, to help You laugh as well. Yesterday, I put rubber bands on my head and slipped my phone under them for a homemade Go Pro, while riding my granddaughters racer on the driveway while videoing and proving that this grandmas X Game could NEVER be cancelled. I have orchestrated tongue twisters for my family to video themselves saying. It’s fun! Try saying Comical Ecomical or Puffy Puppy 5 times really fast! If you can, then you’re missing the point of the game. Also, I have photographed culinary items really close and asked the littles in the family ages 4-16 to guess what they were and share their responses. The winner received a homemade paper chefs hat to wear with pride. You can think of better things than these. It’s just fun to stay in touch and show that nothing is going to change how much we love each other.

Culinary Nourishment.

This week I made my own nut butter when there wasn’t any at the grocery store. Pick any nut, blend them in a tiny bit of Olive Oil. It’s delicious. I might not buy it anymore!

I made a big pot of Bean Soup. I’m a Pescatarian, so I try to outdo myself by adding as many vegetables as I can. Why wouldn’t you want to maximize the nutrition level in one dish. Find a recipe, I used Ina Gartens Tuscan White Bean Soup as a launching place and then outdo it by adding whatever Veg You have at home. Blend, but leave a couple of things whole. I chose canallini beans, small tomatoes and okra. Then, at the end, I add smoked salmon and just let it soak up the flavors. It’s important to eat healthy during these days. Feed your body Well. Its earned it!

Of course, there are always Books that Nourish.

I have read and reread Rebecca Crowells and Jerry McLaughlins award winning Bible, for all things Cold Wax Medium. As I continue to dig into how how to begin this medium, I constantly reference it for information. The same with Clay. I am only a two year old in this craft and I lean heavily on the words of those that have gone before me. I’m thankful for artists who have openly, generously shared their YEARS of experience.

Studio Nourshiment.

This is one of my first Cold Wax and Oil attempts. It’s a whole new world from acrylics but whatever You’ve done with acrylics, is easily transferable. It’s fun! If you know me, You know that I have to keep trying new things. It makes going to the studio new and fresh to keep experimenting!

Finally, Im going to choose to be an Encourager. People seem to be starved for Encouragement. My goodness, give a bag of chocolates to your grocery checker and baggers and they will practically fall down. You don’t have to give millions of dollars to people. I sat on a bench by a nearby river and said in a socially distancing voice, Hello and Smiled to every person that walked or biked by. Why does that have to be so unique? 99% said Hello and Smiled, back. We have lost our way in many ways, and I’m not going to follow. Discernment about right and wrong isn’t just something that we teach our children, we have to keep honing that craft continually, as adults.

Keep Your Amazing Senses of Humor. Laugh. Laugh. Laugh some more!

I love that You stopped by…Let’s All Be Well and Keep the Faith….Laura aka hastypearl